KieTek International
营业时间 周一至周五 08:00 - 18:00
我们的位置 亚利桑那州凤凰城

所有 KieTek 产品均在亚利桑那州皇后溪市自豪制造。

保险杠 / 角钢 / 导轨

KIETEK 是物料搬运


Bumper/Angle/Rail – Side Guides, Fences, Forklift Bumpers and Dolly Bumpers are the finishing touches to your material handling system.
Side Guides are attached to a section of deck or decks to restrain the pallet or container on that portion of the system.
The Fence is the angle iron used to contain the system and the pallets and containers.
The Forklift Bumper protects the system as the bottom of the forklift mast moves near the decks while the pallet or container is being moved.
Dolly Bumpers protect the lifts where a dolly train is loading and off-loading containers.
Material specifications are based on your needs and how abusive the environment is. These are custom items and are priced separately for each job.
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